f. Giorgio Sartor


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Homo denisova
Homo neanderthalensis
Artic and Antarctica
Homo sapiens sapiens
Language and writing



40,000-Year-Old Individual from Asia Provides Insight into Early Population Structure in Eurasia
A European Mitochondrial Haplotype Identified in Ancient Phoenician Remains from Carthage, North Africa
A Late Middle Pleistocene Denisovan mandible from the Tibetan Plateau
A new species of Homo from the Late Pleistocene of the Philippines
A Transient Pulse of Genetic Admixturefrom the Crusaders in the Near EastIdentified from Ancient Genome Sequences
Analysis of Human Sequence Data Reveals Two Pulses of Archaic Denisovan Admixture
Ancient Clam Gardens Increased Shellfish Production: Adaptive Strategies from the Past Can Inform Food Security Today
Ancient DNA sheds light on the genetic origins of early Iron Age Philistines
Ancient gene flow from early modern humans into Eastern Neanderthals
Ancient genomic time transect from the Central Asian Steppe unravels the history of the Scythians
Apidima Cave fossils provide earliest evidence of Homo sapiens in Eurasia
Archaeobotanical evidence reveals the origins of bread 14,400 years ago in northeastern Jordan
Archaeological evidence for two separate dispersals of Neanderthals into southern Siberia
Continuity and Admixture in the Last Five Millennia of Levantine History from Ancient Canaanite and Present-Day Lebanese Genome Sequences
Constraints on the Development of Agriculture
Cycles of Civilization in Northern Mesopotamia, 4400–2000 BC
Dating the megalithic culture of laos: Radiocarbon, optically stimulated luminescence and U/Pb zircon results
Genetic origins of the Minoans and Mycenaeans
Early Neolithic wine of Georgia in the South Caucasus
Evolutionary history and adaptation of a human pygmy population of Flores Island, Indonesia
Fallout melt debris and aerodynamically-shaped glasses in beach sands of Hiroshima Bay, Japan  (Supplementary)
First systematic assessment of dental growth and development in an archaic hominin (genus, Homo) from East Asia
Genetic analysis of hair samples attributed to yeti, bigfoot and other anomalous primates
Genetic Evidence of Geographical Groups among Neanderthals
Greater post-Neolithic wealth disparities in Eurasia than in North America and Mesoamerica
Himalayan ‘yeti’ DNA: polar bear or DNA degradation? A comment on ‘Genetic analysis of hair samples attributed to yeti’ by Sykes et al. (2014)
Hominin occupation of the Chinese Loess Plateau since about 2.1 million years ago
Human footprints provide snapshot of last interglacial ecology in the Arabian interior
Hunting dogs as environmental adaptations in Jōmon Japan
Isotope systematics and chemical composition of tin ingots from Mochlos (Crete) and other Late Bronze Age sites in the eastern Mediterranean Sea: An ultimate key to tin provenance?
Last appearance of Homo erectus at Ngandong, Java, 117,000–108,000 years ago

Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene sites in the montane forests of New Guinea yield early record of cassowary hunting and egg harvesting
Long-term census data reveal abundant wildlife populations at Chernobyl
Modelling the end of the Acheulean at global and continental levels suggests widespread persistence into the Middle Palaeolithic
Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences from two Denisovan individuals
Oldest cave art found in Sulawesi
Possible hominin footprints from the late Miocene (c. 5.7 Ma) of Crete?
Temporal evidence shows Australopithecus sediba is unlikely to be the ancestor of Homo
The earliest modern humans outside Africa
The deep population history of northern East Asia from the Late Pleistocene to the Holocene
The formation of human populations in South and Central Asia
The genome of the offspring of a Neanderthal mother and a Denisovan father
The origins of cannabis smoking: Chemical residue evidence from the first millennium BCE in the Pamirs
The palaeogenetics of cat dispersal in the ancient world
The paradox of HBV evolution as revealed from a 16th century mummy
The pitch of babies’ cries predicts their voice pitch at age 5
The phylogenetic roots of human lethal violence
The Political Legacy of Entertainment TV
The Primitive Hunter Culture, Pleistocene Extinction, and the Rise of Agriculture
The Silurian Hypothesis: Would it be possible to detect an industrial civilization in the geological record?
The Sima de los Huesos (Burgos, northern Spain): palaeoenvironment and habitats of Homo heidelbergensis during the Middle Pleistocene
Using hominin introgression to trace modern human dispersals
Welcome to Beringia
World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice (Supplementary)
X‑ray microscopy reveals the outstanding craftsmanship of  Siberian Iron Age textile dye

Earth Sciences

Political Sciences

Space Sciences
Tools for sciences

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