f. Giorgio Sartor


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Biomolecules Enzymes Membranes Proteins
Biochemistry of pollutants Energy Lipids Metabolism Signal transduction

Marine life Adaptation Enzymes & Proteins Molecules
Eel (Anguilla anguilla) Bioluminescence Antifreeze proteins Marine toxins
Marine inverebrates Cold adaptation Carbonic Anhydrase Squalene
Electric fishes Heat Shock Proteins Glycosidases Trimethylammonium Oxide

Metabolic adaptation Proteases Urea and Urease


Shell formation

Sulfur metabolism

A kinetic and equilibrium study of ligand binding to a Root-effect haemoglobin
A macromolecular transducer as illustrated by trout hemoglobin IV
A polymerising Root-effect fish hemoglobin with high subunit heterogeneity
A respiratory hemocyanin from an insect
Adaptations to Environmental Oxygen Levels in Infaunal and Epifaunal Sea Anemones
Binding of Urate and Caffeine to Haemocyanin Analysed by Isothermal Titration Calorimetry
Catechol oxidase — structure and activity
Cops and Robbers: Putative Evolution of Copper Oxygen-Binding Proteins
Crystal structure of a plant catechol oxidase containing a dicopper center
Crystal Structure of the S-Nitroso Form of Liganded Human Hemoglobin
Crystalline Ligand Transitions in Lamprey Hemoglobin
Dioxygen-activating bio-inorganic model complexes
Drought effects on carbon and nitrogen metabolism of pea nodules can be mimicked by paraquat: evidence for the occurrence of two regulation pathways underoxidative stresses
Evolution and molecular basis of a novel allosteric property of crocodilian hemoglobin
Evolutionary history and diversity of arthropod hemocyanins
Functional Adaptations of Oxygen-Transport Proteins
Gut inflammation provides a respiratory electron acceptor for Salmonella
Hemocyanin in mollusks—A molecular survey and new data on hemocyanin genes in Solenogastres and Caudofoveata
Hemocyanins and Invertebrate Evolution
Hemoglobin βCys93 is essential for cardiovascular function and integrated response to hypoxia
Hypoxia-induced autoxidation of haemoglobin in the benthic invertebrates Arenicola marina (Polychaeta) and Astarte borealis (Bivalvia) and the possible effects of sulphide
Influence of Organic Phosphates on the Root Effect of Multiple Fish Haemoglobins
Kinetics of Oxygen Binding to Human Hemoglobin
Life at Stable Low Oxygen Levels: Adaptations of Animals to Oceanic Oxygen Minimum Layers
Localization of the vacuolar-type ATPase in swimbladder gas gland cells of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla)
Marine natural products as inhibitors of hypoxic signaling in tumors
Modulation of Haemocyanin Oxygen Affinity: Properties and Physiological Implications in a Changing World
Molecular and functional adaptations in deep-sea hemoglobins
Molecular Basis of The Bohr Effect in Arthropod Hemocyanin
Molecular Characterization of the Functionally Distinct Hemoglobins of the Antarctic Fishl Fematomus newnesi

Molecular Evolution of the Arthropod Hemocyanin Superfamily
Non-linear release of Bohr protons with haemoglobin-oxygenation in the blood of two teleost fishes; carp (Cyprinus carpio) and tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum)
o-Diphenol oxidase activity of molluscan hemocyanins
Ontogeny of Decapod Crustacean Hemocyanin: Effects of Temperature and Nutrition
Our ancestral physiological phenotype: An adaptation for hypoxia tolerance and for endurance performance?
Peter Hochachka: Adventures in Biochemical Adaptation
Red blood cell pH, the Bohr effect, and other oxygenation linked phenomena in blood O2 and CO2 transport
Red blood with blue-blood ancestry: Intriguing structure of a snail hemoglobin
Respiratory and circulatory compensation to hypoxia in crustaceans
Special Hemoglobin Helped Swim Bladders Give Fish Diversity a Lift
Structural basis for the Root effect in heamoglobin
Swim bladder gas gland cells produce surfactant: in vivo and in culture
The Anodic Hemoglobin of Anguilla anguilla
The Evolution of Extracellular Hemoglobins of Annelids, Vestimentiferans, and Pogonophorans
The Evolution of Polar Fish Hemoglobin: A Phylogenetic Analysis of the Ancestral Amino Acid Residues Linked to the Root Effect
The Generation of Hyperbaric Oxygen Tensions in Fish
The Structure of a Functional Unit from the Wall of a Gastropod Hemocyanin Offers a Possible Mechanism for Cooperativity
The Effect of Temperature on Carbon Monoxide Binding to a Root Effect Hemoglobin
The molecular heterogeneity of hemocyanin: Its role in the adaptive plasticity of Crustacea
The O2 Binding Pocket of Myohemerythrin: Role of a Conserved Leucine
The reactions of copper proteins with nitric oxide
The respiratory proteins of insects
The Structure of a Functional Unit from the Wall of a Gastropod Hemocyanin Offers a Possible Mechanism for Cooperativity
Temperature Effects on Hemocyanin Oxygen Binding in an Antarctic Cephalopod
Tryptophan quenching as linear sensor for oxygen binding of arthropod hemocyanins
Tyrosinase/catecholoxidase activity of hemocyanins: structural basis and molecular mechanism


Earth Sciences

Political Sciences

Space Sciences
Tools for sciences

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